The levels of plastic in the human brain have increased 50% increase since 2016, according to a new preprint study not yet peer-reviewed.
Quelle: Human brains contain surprising levels of plastic, study says | CNN
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The levels of plastic in the human brain have increased 50% increase since 2016, according to a new preprint study not yet peer-reviewed.
Quelle: Human brains contain surprising levels of plastic, study says | CNN
Hitze verändert den Sport massiv. Beim Marathon ist die Sorglosigkeit besonders verwunderlich. Wie viel Aufmerksamkeit sind uns die Opfer wert?
Quelle: Mörderischer Marathon: Der lange Lauf zum schnellen Tod
Children using personal care products had more phthalates, which are linked to reproductive and metabolic diseases
Quelle: Kids using lotions have higher levels of hormone-disrupting toxins – study